During school holidays, it is very common for parents to take their children to zoos or wild animal exhibition centres. But according to Elisângela Boroviski, a researcher in epidemiology in zoonoses and ecology, what is merely a tourist experience can mean a lifetime of suffering for the animals.
The researcher gives tips to avoid the ill-treatment of wild animals caused by the practice of irresponsible ecological tourism.
What we should not do
Attend shows that use animals. “Unfortunately, in circuses and some zoos it is common to see shows that use elephants, tigers, monkeys and individuals of various species that are trained to perform juggling tricks, most of the time with risk to the physical and psychological integrity of the animal.
According to the researcher, the shows with dolphins are also controversial. “The debate and questions are intense about whether teaching dolphins to perform tricks – and, by association, keeping them in captivity – is cruel and causes stress. Some argue that the shows are important for education and conservation, while many say that keeping an intelligent social mammal in a pool about a millionth the size of its natural habitat is inherently cruel and should be stopped.”
Taking photos or selfies with wild animals. During trips, it is common for tourists to take pictures holding animals. “The hidden side of these photos is that the animal has been taken from the wild, many have had their parents killed, their claws and teeth removed and have been beaten until they are docile, being raised in terrible conditions.”
Approaching or touching animals. Animals are sensitive to what is happening around them. “Safaris where buses or other vehicles full of tourists talking loudly or dolphin watching where groups of these animals are surrounded by a dozen boats putting people in the water are bad practice. When travelling, take the time to ensure that you take tours with a legal and reputable operator who understands that it should come from the animal’s choice to come to us, and not the other way around.”
Don’t buy or eat anything that may have come from a wild animal. “Eating in a restaurant that serves “exotic” dishes can be dangerous for your own organism, causing risks of zoonosis transmission, and can also contribute to the disappearance of species. Shopping on holiday can be great fun, but be careful with items made with teeth, fur, feathers and other animal parts”, explains the researcher.
Elisângela makes an appeal for people to seek responsible tourism, without harming animals: “think about how your tourist experience during your holiday impacts the animals”.
Source: FaunaNews.
Photo: worldanimalprotection.org